Bringing Real Teaching Experience Into Coaching
Interested in a coaching session? Brush up on your skills, get a review of your performance, or even just get some input on your personal take on the game.
The Story
A 2021 San Antonio Teacher of the Year. A highly qualified teacher for 10+ years. Teaching and coaching children and adults in both the competitive and recreational setting. In addition to leading a career as a Physical Education teacher, coached collegiate League of Legends at UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio). Has a goal to get as many people as possible enjoying League of Legends despite it's negative community.
Schedule A Session
To schedule a free coaching session please complete the registration form to the best of your ability.
Our Community Says
He's very educational. If you watch his stream, he'll tell you everything he's doing and why he's doing it, it's really good actually. - PraiseTheLore
He's an educational stream. He runs you through the game. He explains what he's doing. He's super hype, he's not toxic, and he's a really great way to enjoy a game, that I'm personally, never going to play. - LukeTusky